Thursday, September 1, 2011


Well HELLO everyone! (well the 2 of you who follow this blog) :) It is the first of September and I am BACK!  I took the summer off, things get pretty crazy around this place for the summer, between farming, ranching, the office, and the lake, we are pretty busy!  I do as little cooking as possible in the summer and pretty much live off my stockpile since I don't have very much time to coupon and shop in the summer, and let me tell ya, that stockpile is a life saver! I am super excited for fall and can't wait to put up a few blogs with pictures!!!  I will be doing a little decorating in "the new part" and can't wait to post about that!  My garden has been good, that's right, I have a  garden, so I will post some of that, and last but not least, I have been reading and trying some really great recipes and can't wait to post about those!  So excited to be back!  Happy FALL everyone!