Thursday, February 2, 2012

My love of "Dutch Honey"

This is something I absolutely LOVE and almost HATE to eat pancakes, waffles, or french toast without it!  I have heard it called a number of things, and it seems like the recipes vary from family to family but the one I use is this:

1 c. cream
1 c. white/light "karo" syrup
1 c. packed brown sugar

(I have also seen it with white sugar and dark syrup, but I have never tried it!  I would say if that's what you have on hand, go for it!)

You mix these in a glass bowl and microwave on high for 5-10 minutes.  Serve warm and store the extra in a jar in the fridge.  When you want to use the "left overs" just microwave it again for 30 seconds- 1 minute and shake it up or stir it!  This will also get you by in a pinch if you are out of maple syrup!

DIY Laundry Booster

This is something I have been using for quite awhile now, and I happened upon it by "accident".  At one point in time I thought it might be handy to keep the items needed to make laundry soap on know...just in case!  Well, I gathered the "supplies", made one batch, and never used any of it again!  I decided that if I can get a good deal on "cheap" laundry soap, that would be better than my homemade stuff, so I didn't bother to make it ever again.  I continued to use whatever laundry soap I could get on sale.  One day when I was cleaning out my bathroom cabinet, I decided that I would mix all the stuff together and just use it as a "booster" for really dirty loads and it works AWESOME!  I rarely spend more than $2-$3 for a jug of laundry soap(and I am not picky about brand at all, I use PUREX the most, because of coupon deals, but will use ANYTHING), which is just fine for our clothes that don't get super dirty anyway, and when they are really dirty, I add about 1/4c. of the booster and it works awesome!  So here is what I use:

1 Large container of "SUN" oxygen activated cleaner (cheap oxy-clean)
1 Box of 20-mule team borax
1 box of Arm and Hammer washing soda

And that's it, you can buy all of those in the laundry aisle at Wal Mart for about $3 each!  Mix them together in a large container and there you have it! This makes a large batch that should last you quite awhile!  A  small rubbermaid tub works great to store it, and I have a smaller container with a scoop next to the washer. Add about 1/4-1/2 c. to a load of laundry, along with your regular soap!  I use this in my HE machine, I just toss it right in the "tub" before I throw the clothes in!