Thursday, April 26, 2012

Home made vinegar/citrus household cleaner!!

This is something I stumbled across on the Internet (here) and just happened to have 2 bags of "cutie" oranges going bad in my fridge in the garage.   So I decided instead of just throwing them out I would give this a try.  I really do think it is genius!  Not sure why I didn't think of it first!  The recipe I saw was much nicer than this, I mean, more "pretty"... beautiful lemon peels in quart jars.  It was so cute.  However, I had oranges, not lemons, and I had these OLD pickle jars (from the days of buying pickles) that were ready to go out in the trash!  As a bonus I learned the the oranges were in fact still FINE!  So I am glad I rescued them before they were a total loss.  I will be "googling" something to do with those a little later!  Anyway, all I did was quarter my fruit, (I am sure any citrus will work for this, and even a mixture of different fruits would work well), and fill my jars to the top with the peels.  Once I had all 3 jars filled, I topped each jar off with plain white distilled vinegar.  I am going to let them sit for a few weeks (3-4) tipping them a few times to "mix" things.  Once the time is up I will just use them a jar at a time, I will strain the fruit and discard.  Then you can just keep the vinegar in the jar.  It should smell wonderful and work awesome for cleaning mirrors and all sorts of other household surfaces!(I will for sure mix it in a spray bottle with water)  I really am excited about this!  I already use vinegar as a household cleaner (love it so much I put straight vinegar in my steam mop once but that is a whole other post) but the smell really makes me want to BUY something that smells "clean".  This orange scent is going to be awesome!  I can't wait to try it (did I say that already?)!  One thing that I use vinegar for quite a bit is running a cup through my front load washing machine about twice a month.  Another is, I have used it to replace the "rinse agent" in my dishwasher! This is going to be awesome!  Now I am sure that I will not EVER (hopefully) have this many orange peels again, so I think I will put peels in a jar with the lid on in the fridge, when the jar is full, I will just top it with vinegar and there you go!  So excited!!! 

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