Friday, April 27, 2012

What can't you do with french bread...I mean really?!

I love to buy french bread when it is "reduced for quick sale", not that it is expensive by any means, but the cheaper the better right?!  I think some people worry about freshness with french bread but, I stock up when I can, bring it home, take it out of the bag (carefully, saving the bag), wrap it in saran wrap, and pop it back in the bag and then into the freezer.  I use french bread for SO many things besides the traditional "garlic toast"!  I use it sliced like it is in the pic. for toasted cheese sandwiches, just plain sandwiches, toast with breakfast, you can slice it thicker for french toast, cut it the long way to make a "sub" for the entire family, (this is really handy while camping or on a road trip), slice real thick slices to double as buns (once thick sliced then slice top/bottom), you can use it in french toast bake recipes, it really is "all purpose".  So, next time you see french bread on sale, think past the traditional garlic toast!!!

1 comment:

  1. I so agree so many uses for French bread. I also use it for pizza crust my husband likes a thicker crust so I will slice the French in half and use each half for the crust then put my sauce and what ever toppings we want then the cheese and pop In the oven great for quick suppers.
